Elementor #31226

  Customer Reference Number Your customer reference number is located at the bottom of your invoice Credit Card Number           Card Expiry Date 010203040506070809101112 / 222324252627282930 CVV Back of the card   NOTE: Depending on the payment method, a transaction fee may be payable. The calculated surcharge rate and total amount … Read more

Buroserv partners with Superloop

Buroserv partners with Superloop as our wholesale nbn network services provider Buroserv was presented with a compelling reason to review service partners when our wholesale partner announced a withdrawal from the market. We took the opportunity to seek a replacement that would help us take advantage of new market opportunities, and to look at new … Read more

VoIP Cyber Crime

What Is It? VoIP cyber-crime happens when a criminal gains remote access to your PBX or telephone account to make fraudulent calls. Calls are usually made to expensive overseas destinations that you would not normally ring yourself, such as Antarctica or North Korea. Using computers to generate the calls, criminals can make hundreds of calls … Read more